Modernised Brewing Process

Modernised Brewing Process

SPANGLER – the Plus of Retrofit.

The traditional brewery Lammsbräu in Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate is a long-term customer of SPANGLER Automation. Within the scope of an extensive retrofit programme, the process of malt kiln was completely equipped with new hardware, the wiring diagram and the software were revised and several plants were connected to the existing control system.

State-of-the-art automated handicraft

For more than 16 years Spangler Automation has been delivering Lammsbräu with hard and software, like for example the automation of the water treatment and fresh water well pumps. In 2021 it was necessary to modernize the process of malt kiln. The kiln drying of malt is a drying process which essentially affects the taste and colour of the beer. To ensure the product characteristics and the quality in future as well, the whole process had to be brought up to date. Spangler used the old documents of the drying plant and conveyor plant as a base and with the help of EPLAN developed a new, digitised wiring diagram that was designed smaller and more clearly arranged.

Spangler has chosen the programming and the user interface of the touch panel in a way that the functionality was increased, and a finer setting of the programmes was enabled.  The brewers’ experience was included in the design of the process flow which allowed a more user-friendly design. In addition to the new control cabinet for the control Siemens S7-1200, on-site control boxes were assembled.  These pushbuttons determined for the manual operation of the engines are available for the staff as alternative to the automatic operation or the touch panel. The extended retrofit makes it possible to connect the drying chamber and the conveyor belts to the control system, which already controls the other plants of the malthouse.

Precise preparation for a quick implementation

The electrical assembly of the control cabinet and the start-up had to be carried out during the yearly maintenance of the building at Lammsbräu, that means within three days. This required detailed planning and exact preparation, from the software to the last wire. Beyond the requirement of start-up, Spangler programmers accompanied the first drying process and took over fine adjustments.
Lammsbräu can now count on a reliable supply of spare parts, higher safety provisions and automated-backed processes. An optimal retrofit package to guarantee the quality of beer appreciated by the customers.


Dried malt
Drying kiln (drying chamber inside)
Control of the kiln process (drying process)
Comparison of the control before/after