Successful operational training
SPANGLER – the Plus of apprenticeship.
Five apprentices have successfully completed their apprenticeship at Spangler in Töging and start with responsible positions.
With the handing over of the certificates of qualification the last step of the apprenticeship was concluded, and the training years ended. For five of our apprentices, it was that time last week. The training for electronics technicians for automation and systems technology is separated in theoretical and practical study terms. The training sections take part in the company and in schools in Neumarkt and Weiden. It is complemented by trainings of the chamber of handicrafts, which deal with certain subject areas in detail. Five colleagues, four young men and one young woman, received their certificate of apprenticeship.
Spangler’s managers, Tina Lambert and Christian Brandmüller, congratulated the new skilled employees on their good degrees. Tina Lambert thanked the apprentices in a short speech, describing the end of their training as the start of a life-long learning process. She especially stressed the various opportunities for development this vocational job offers. Electronic technicians for automation technology are needed everywhere in the economy to bring power to plants and to provide for the operation. The company’s management handed over presents to the former apprentices to remember their training years.
About seven young professionals are trained at Spangler each year. Besides electronics technicians also office clerks and dual students are employed. For Spangler the experts who are trained in the company are a perfect possibility to fill demanding positions.